Tuesday, August 31, 2010

¿Listo? Lee stoh? Ready?

¿Habla usted español? (No) Hablo español. No se preocupe. Estoy aprendiendo.  <-- that's Spanish. I hope.

Can't read Spanish? Then try sounding out the words below(a phonetic rendering of the above). Trust me, you'll sound like a pro. (A pro "what" depends on how well you sound it out!)

Ha-blah oo-sted eh-spahn-yol? Noh ah-bloh eh-spahn-yol. Noh seh preh-oh-koo-peh. Ehs toy ah pren dee en do.

If you're completely lost, join the club. Here's what I was trying to say, in English:

 Do you speak Spanish? I (don't) speak Spanish. Don't worry. I'm learning.

I'd write a whole lot more, but "Wipe Out" is on and I don't want to miss it.

Good bye.

Thanks to ieLanguages for some basic phrasing, and GraphicsHunt for the image.