Thursday, February 24, 2011

Amiga Artistica!

Mi amiga, Audie Ehrig, tiene dieciseis anos. Ella gusta dibujar y aprendar las idiomas nuevas. Ella tiene estuidar Espanol para solo tres meses pero es mejor que yo! Sin, nosotros dibujamos iguales.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Suficiente es suficiente

La mayor parte de mi familia vive sólo
cuarenta y cinco minutos de Juárez, México.
Me encantaba ir de compras allí.
Ahora es demasiado peligroso.
Incluso la ciudad norteamericana de El Paso no es seguro.

"EL PASO, Texas -- Police in drug violence-plagued Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, say more than 50 people have been killed in a three-day span". --- Click here for more information---

I am so frustrated - our government sends hundreds of thousands of troops all over the world to "maintain peace" at the expense of our own country's safety.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Compruebe Pero No Compruebe Al Compañero

Hoy fue nuestra primera prueba. Estudié durante horas. Incluso tengo un profesor español. Pero probablemente tiene una 'c ' ... si Andy se sentía generoso.
Learning Spanish is like learning to play chess. I know the names of the pieces, and I know the rules concerning their use. But I can't apply my knowledge to win a game, I just end up pushing pieces around the board until my opponent wins.

Likewise, I can conjugate verbs. I can tell you all the right preterit endings. I know my direct and indirect object pronouns, and how to use them both in the same sentence. I can show you the format for making equality and inequality statements.

But I cannot for the life of me put all that knowledge together to form sentences.

It's frustrating beyond belief.

I gave up trying to play chess years ago, and now simply admire beautiful handcrafted chess sets.

But I refuse to quit trying to learn to speak Spanish, because one day I want to help ESL kids learn to read.

After all, what I'm trying to do is nothing compared to what they are doing. I am an adult, just trying to learn another language. They are kids, for Pete's sake, struggling to survive in a (frequently hostile) foreign culture.

I owe it to them to keep trying.

Viva educación!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Capriccio Espagnol

Esta es una orquesta cubana jugando intrepretation un compositor ruso de canciones populares del norte de España.

La primera vez que fui a la universidad estudié música. Yo tocaba el clarinete y el saxo de nueve años. Una orquesta sinfónica que se jugó en esta canción y que siempre ha sido uno de mis favoritos.

I love all kinds of music, from Rap to Classical. I played alto sax in jazz and marching bands in high school and college, and clarinet in symphonic ensembles starting when I was about 11 years old. This may sound hokey, but to me, when playing in an orchestra the music was like air - I breathed it in and out, and it became part of my body. Listening to music is like that for me, too but to a lesser degree.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ratas Banano

 Cuando vivia en Cuba visto muchos animals diferentes.

Estas son las ratas bananos.

Son muy grande.

Las ratas mas mayor del mundo.

These suckers are HUGE! I don't know why there are called banana rats, but they are about the size of an opossum, and they are nocturnal. They used to get in the dumpsters in our neighborhood, and my kids were terrified to take the trash out at night. (To be honest, so was I!) Banana Rats make a very creepy chirpping/squeaking sound. It's even creepier because they run in very large packs.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Guapa Photographia

Esto es un vaquero.

Presetuiamos vacas juntos en Nuevo Mexico.

Sus ropas son reales.

Esto es Mexican vaquero tradicinales.

Me gusta su caballo.

Last year I went on a cattle round up with some friends in New Mexico. The vaquero above didn't speak any English, and I didn't speak any Spanish, but I really wanted to talk to him to learn his history! My girlfriend told me that all of his equipment was authentic and traditional. It was like looking back into time.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Día de San Valentín de español

Día de San Valentín se celebra en todo el mundo.

En España se comen higos cubiertos de chocolate.
Los globos son una de las favoritas en México.

Muchas de las flores en los Estados Unidos provienen de Colombia y Ecuador.

¿Cómo celebrar el Día de San Valentín?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Otro Gran Libro

No es frecuente que mi tarea transversal entre las clases. Esta vez lo hacen, sin embargo, porque mi clase de Literatura Mundial está leyendo 'Cien años de soledad."

Gabriel García Márquez, escritor colombiano.

Que fue galardonado con el Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1982.

Al igual que con todos los libros en mi lista de lectura, no puedo esperar para bucear en!