Monday, February 14, 2011

Capriccio Espagnol

Esta es una orquesta cubana jugando intrepretation un compositor ruso de canciones populares del norte de España.

La primera vez que fui a la universidad estudié música. Yo tocaba el clarinete y el saxo de nueve años. Una orquesta sinfónica que se jugó en esta canción y que siempre ha sido uno de mis favoritos.

I love all kinds of music, from Rap to Classical. I played alto sax in jazz and marching bands in high school and college, and clarinet in symphonic ensembles starting when I was about 11 years old. This may sound hokey, but to me, when playing in an orchestra the music was like air - I breathed it in and out, and it became part of my body. Listening to music is like that for me, too but to a lesser degree.

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